What We Do

What We Do

For those who know technology can enhance their business.

Driving transformation with original solutions through a lean process of sprints, discoveries and deep technical dives. From industry-leading market research to the integration of systems, we build applications, automate processes, forge real-time data pipelines and build intelligent solutions.

Razor invests heavily in research and development to keep our clients on the bleeding-edge of technology.

Becoming superhuman

Digital Transformation

Our ethos with technology is to make people superhuman. To make them faster, better and stronger we start with a first principles understanding to then remaster from the ground up.

To us, digital transformation is where we evolve a product, service or operation into one that is the path of least resistance and the automatically chosen approach. To us it isn’t taking a paper process and “digitising it” or moving a process online. This is a wasted opportunity to make a real positive difference.

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Modernising platforms

Platform Modernisation & Cloud

What got you where you are now, may not get you to where you want to be. Technology moves fast and so should your technical foundations. This is where we can help accelerate your journey.

We specialise in modernising platforms built in the Microsoft software ecosystem. From desktop applications that need to be modernised and transformed into web applications at scale including Software as a Service (SaaS) products, through to modernising legacy web applications into microservices and beautiful front end applications.

We are specialists in Microsoft Azure, Microsoft’s cloud platform, and have the depth of knowledge needed to ensure that you get the most out of your cloud journey.

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Working fast

Accelerated Software Delivery

Sometimes you just need to go fast or just that little bit faster than you already are. We help by giving you an unfair advantage. This may be just sheer delivery speed or specialist knowledge and skills or it could be a combination of the both.

All you really need to know is that we work fast. Really fast. And we deliver quality results.

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Data-driven thinking

Data, Analytics & AI

Data is often touted as the new oil, and just like oil, when data is in its raw and unrefined state it has little value.

We take data and turn it into timely, actionable insights; information that can guide you towards a decision that will improve your bottom line.

We have all the different skills required to achieve data maturity in your business. From user experience and research to understand what is needed; developers and software engineers who can extract, translate and store the data at scale and speed even from challenging, legacy and disparate sources, through to data scientists who drive value and insight from the data.

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Supercharge your ideas

Advanced Innovation

In a word, disruption.

There are times when you just need to think differently and explore the unknown or new. Innovation and technology are moving at a rapid rate and are only getting faster.

We supercharge your ideas or unlock your challenges. We bring ideas and concepts to you. We use applied science to combine and create something totally original. We make you the pioneers of what is possible.

Sometimes it doesn’t work but this is ok. We dust ourselves off, learn from what happened, move forward quickly and try again. If it just won’t work with the technology that we currently have, we know not to invest further but are ready for when the technology is.

We do all of this at speed and with confidence.

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Diving deeper into Razor

What we think