What we do

Digital Transformation

All successful digital transformation starts with people.

It can stretch from brand new business models unlocked by new technology to changing the way your organisation functions and employees work.

Technology plays a role in digital transformation but there is a also an underlying cultural movement that needs to take place.

What is digital transformation?

Digital transformation is about changing the way an organisation functions.

By first understanding your business, we can use technology to amplify it and we can start making your team superhuman.

Why do companies need digital transformation?

It matters because we continually need to find ways of being more efficient or productive. Digital technology is a powerful tool for enabling this. If organisations remain the same, they risk falling behind - who knows how long they might have. To change is to prosper and to adopt new technologies is to thrive.

How can Razor help companies transform?

Dive straight into the critical issue? That can happen if it’s really needed. We have plenty of engineers and user experience people with the right process to crack on. Explore what is possible and create a game changer? Yep we can do that too with our advanced innovation process and innovation sprints. Sometimes you may not know what’s needed or you may see what the future should look like but you don’t know how to get there then we need to start with Discovery, Rapid Insights or more than likely a technical strategy. The very best start for digital transformation is through a Strategic Consulting engagement that will identify your main challenges and opportunities.

How Razor approaches digital transformation

Every organisation's journey is different.

The people are different, the history is different, the processes are different, the markets are different and the existing technology is different.

A successful digital transformation involves all of the company. From strategic planning and vision at the top to incremental improvements using individual contributors first-hand experience across the organisation.

First steps are understanding where technology fits internally to your business - for example, your operations - and how it can improve your business interface to the outside - your products, services and customers - the broader economy, markets and customers.

Once we have a plan, a roadmap and a clear direction, driven out by the high-level strategy we can really get to work. The roadmap will most likely have a blend of projects, innovations and initiatives delivered either stand alone in a project by project basis or via our strategic technology framework.

No digital transformation is successful unless people are involved. It may be an internal cultural change or something that affects your customers or both.

Put the technology second and the people first and you are onto a winner.

Let's Talk

Technology & Engineering

Organisations are looking to technology to stay relevant, gain market share, disrupt and grow and Technology and Engineering are at the heart of what we do. 

You can’t, however, start with technology, and you can’t engineer yourself out of a problem people have got you into. 

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User Experience, Product and Design

There is no place in this world for ugly software or processes that frustrate users and cause inefficiencies. We have to have empathy for people because without them, there is no point in a new product, service or a more efficient process.

We are all able to spot bad design. We can feel it. It frustrates us or annoys us. We can get used to it, but that doesn’t mean that it is right.

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Long term success is seldom a coincidence. It doesn't just happen. The most successful people and organisations have a vision, and a clear plan of what they are going to do to realise the vision.

Without strategy, there is just a cluster of tactical decisions all hopefully heading in a positive direction.

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