Software Development

Bespoke solutions made to address your business needs

Elevate your success with tailored software development, IoT, and AI services

Every challenge, no matter how complex, can be conquered. When out-of-the-box products fall short of your expectations, we're here to collaborate with you to create a custom solution to overcome your business obstacles.

Unlock your potential with our software solutions

Delivering solutions to supercharge your business and maximise your potential

Discover the possibilities of custom software development, IoT, and AI services that empower your business like never before. Unleash your potential, streamline operations, and gain a competitive edge with solutions designed precisely for your unique needs.


Getting in to the specifics of our Software Development services.

Custom Software Development

Delivering line of business and enterprise solutions for web, desktop, mobile, augmented and virtual reality to meet your business needs.

Machine Interfacing & IoT

Unlock the wealth of data within your machines to improve efficiency, utilisation and maintenance through real-time monitoring.

AI Audit & AI Build

An AI Audit and Build is a targeted approach to identify opportunities for AI in your business to help you tackle your most pressing operational challenges.

Custom Software Development

Delivering line of business and enterprise solutions for web, desktop, mobile, augmented and virtual reality to meet your business needs.

In today's dynamic business landscape, staying ahead of the competition requires more than just off-the-shelf software. Custom software development offers a comprehensive suite of solutions to meet your unique business needs.

Custom software development empowers your business with tailor-made internal tools to improve business processes or new products to take to market. Through a series of workshops and technical roadmapping sessions, you’ll be empowered to identify your business challenges and define your desired outcomes so our team can create a unique solution for you. Using a combination of technical expertise and domain understanding, we’ll work together to build and refine your ideal solution to get it ready to take to market or implement internally within your business.


  • Incremental Value: Regularly see progress throughout the build stage with demos and prototypes so you can remain hands on during the process.

  • Scalable and Secure: Whether your solution is cloud-hosted or on premise, our solutions are built with security and scale in mind to meet your business needs today and in the future.

  • Bespoke Development: A solution that is tailor made for you and your business so you can be confident you are getting a solution to your specific needs.

  • Platform Modernisation: If you have a legacy solution that needs an update we can help you migrate to the cloud or update the technology so it can continue to service your business for years to come.

Ontaro online child protection

Explore the cross platform apps we built for Ontaro.


Machine Interfacing & IoT

Unlock the wealth of data within your machines to improve efficiency, utilisation and maintenance through real-time monitoring.

Gain insights into your machine data with IoT devices and Edge computing to see how they are performing in real-time. Visualise the data to optimise usage and improve efficiency so you can reduce downtime.

Machines hold a vast amount of untapped potential. They store data about how well they are running and how effective their utilisation is. This data is the key to unlocking greater efficiency and reduced downtime in your business and we want to help you unlock it. Through a series of workshops and assessments we’ll work together to gain an understanding of the machines you use and how to access this key information. Through the use of bespoke dashboards you’ll be able to see for yourself where your machines are underperforming and identify what you need to do to optimise them, enabling human intervention sooner and less downtime.


  • Increased Efficiency: Use advanced insights to plan and schedule your maintenance when it works for your business, before your machine fails or requires serious repair.

  • Controlled Downtime: With automated processes, you can ensure that machines only have planned downtime when it is business critical to do so.

  • Data Visualisation: Monitor the performance of your machines in realtime and visualise the data in accessible dashboards so you can make informed business decisions fast.

  • Designed for Scalability: Create a solution that grows with your organisation so you can continue to expand your insights as the number of connected devices increases.

Gripple Logo

We brought Gripple's data out of the dark.


AI Audit & AI Build

An AI Audit and Build is a targeted approach to identify opportunities for AI in your business to help you tackle your most pressing operational challenges.

Identify the real value of AI and unlock new opportunities for your business with a thorough assessment of your organisation and the delivery of bespoke AI solutions to address your business needs.

One-size-fits-all AI solutions often fall short in meeting your distinctive challenges and aspirations. This AI Build is designed to cater precisely to your requirements. We’ll deep dive into your challenges in our audit to identify the biggest pain points then build a bespoke solution to seamlessly integrate into your existing processes and technologies. Through constant performance monitoring, your AI solution will continue to be optimised to remain effective and aligned with your evolving business needs.


  • On-hand Experts: Leverage the expertise of the Razor team to identify where AI can make the biggest impact in your business, making it easier for you to adopt.

  • Tailor-Made AI Solutions: You’ll have an AI solution designed for your specific challenges and requirements, resulting in the biggest impacts on your business.

  • Leveraging Cutting-Edge Technologies: Gain a competitive edge in your industry by taking advantage of the latest advancements in AI.

  • Productivity & Efficiency Gains: Your AI is backed by your company knowledge base. This enables you to make data-driven decisions to experience enhanced operational efficiencies, leading to better business outcomes.