What we do

Platform Modernisation and Cloud

Technology is a moving space

What was the latest and greatest only ten years ago is now long out of date. Platforms change, technologies advance, security vulnerabilities appear and expectations shift. 

Why is platform modernisation important?

Technology is moving apace – your customers expectations continue to grow, platforms are reengineered, technologies advance, security vulnerabilities appear. Within the space of years, the latest and greatest solutions are outdated. Rather than an expense, see it as a opportunity.

Shifting tech-tonic plates

New technologies, such as AI and IOT are providing new opportunities for your products and services. Well established, mature technologies such as cloud means custom software can fit to your specific needs that are often cheaper than cookie-cutter off-the-shelf solutions. Razor will help you navigate these decisions and guide you into maximising return on investment.


Your existing solution has taken you this far, but what will get you to the next level? What will delight your customers in future? How can greater efficiencies be found? Unfortunately, technology is not fine wine – it cannot be left to mature - together we will use it to create competitive advantage.

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Technology & Engineering

Organisations are looking to technology to stay relevant, gain market share, disrupt and grow and Technology and Engineering are at the heart of what we do. 

You can’t, however, start with technology and can’t engineer yourself out of a problem people have got you into. 

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What is platform modernisation?

It’s acknowledging that the platform that has diligently supported your organisation for the last N years is actually holding you back. Platform modernisation is an active process - it is taking your archaic, ugly, slow, difficult to use desktop application and re-imagining how it looks and how it works in a way is fast, elegant and secure.

From outright risk to delightful customer experience

Your 1990’s-style desktop application is both a business risk and is frustrating your customers. We’re experts in providing a step-change from legacy monoliths to cloud-enabled, resilient and self-healing applications that are steeped in transformational opportunity.

It's taking the desktop application that looks like it was designed by developers in 1990 that is now becoming problematic or a big risk as there is only one person who really knows how it works to being a modern desktop application with the latest technologies that is cloud ready.

Embracing the opportunities of change

Clients find that leaving technology as it is often proves to be far more costly, difficult and risky in the long term. We know that modernisation requires companies to lean into the opportunities of change. This is often difficult, especially where business processes are involved, but we will support you through the process.

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Data, Analytics & AI

Data is touted as the new oil, but what good is a barrel of oil when all you want to do is boil the kettle?

Without refinement, data is another overhead you must pay to store and maintain. We’re constantly told about its potential, but collecting data is only the first breath before the step.

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How do you modernise an application?

There are a few ways to approach platform modernisation and cloud transition. The approach depends on the scale of the challenge.

Work may be identified from a broader technology strategy, or it may be something more obvious where modernising an application can be tackled as a a discrete project. It may be better suited to a strategic technology framework where there is a programme of work over time with many moving pieces.

Understand & define

In all cases, it is important to fully understand, which is where discovery is conducted. The current state of the platform is understood along with where it needs to be. A clear plan of how to get there is formed that mitigates risks and adds value at every step.

In all cases, it is important to fully understand, which is where discovery is conducted. The current state of the platform is understood along with where it needs to be.

Forming a clear path

The future is brilliant when you take charge and invest in modern platforms and technologies.The current state of the platform is understood along with where it needs to be. A clear plan of how to get there is formed that mitigates risks and adds value at every step.

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