Data maturity

Data, Analytics & AI

Data is touted as the new oil, but what good is a barrel of oil when all you want to do is boil the kettle?

Without refinement, data is just another overhead you have to pay to store and maintain. We’re constantly told about its potential, but collecting data is only the first breath before the step.

Data is overrated

Without refinement, data is just another overhead you have to pay to store and maintain. We’re constantly told about its potential, but collecting data is only the first breath before the step. It can be overwhelming to know where to start and impossible to know if you’re setting out in the right direction.

Folder icon with a photograph of two men looking at a computer screen

If we’re not careful we end up right where we started, covered in oil.

We recognise that there is more to exploiting data than just data. Our team of experts help cut through the buzzwords and hype to bring clarity and deliver real value where it will be felt most. We start with people and empower them to take action.

No two data projects are the same (where is the fun in that?), but there are four main flavours that we do best.

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Data Maturity Assessment

The Data Maturity Assessment is us taking your data pulse. It’s about identifying the areas where things are going well, and where we need to apply some effort.

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Data Strategic Sprint

You can’t take the first step without knowing where you’re going. Our Data Strategy projects are for looking into the future and gaining a laser focus on the priorities.

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Data Infrastructure & BI

Automate getting the right data in front of the right people and delete those macro ridden spreadsheets once and for all.

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Data Deep Dive

We’ll take a deep dive to find the trends, ask the questions, and uncover the value in your data. Whether it’s building a machine learning model or proving a hypothesis, our data science process helps us move fast, without sacrificing rigour.

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Artificial Intelligence

In today’s fast-paced digital landscape, AI has re-emerged with the potential to revolutionise the way the businesses operate. At Razor, we are at the forefront of harnessing the power of AI to deliver innovative solutions that drive success for our clients.

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