Scoring the Mobility of Cattle for Diary Farmers
The Register of Mobility Scorers (RoMS) aims to encourage the widespread use of standardised and independent mobility scoring conducted by trained and accredited scorers on UK dairy farms.
The challenge was to create a user-friendly platform that would:
Enable new and existing scorers to view a range of videos demonstrating cow mobility.
Allow scorers to input and rank the cow's mobility based on the videos.
Provide immediate results and feedback to scorers, ensuring accuracy and adherence to professional standards.

Our Solution: Web-Based Scoring System
In collaboration with RoMS, our team at Razor developed a comprehensive web-based scoring system tailored to the unique needs of dairy farm scorers.
This innovative platform offers:
Interactive Scoring Interface: An intuitive interface that allows scorers to input their scoring preferences based on the videos viewed. The system utilises advanced algorithms to provide immediate results and feedback, ensuring accuracy and consistency in mobility scoring.
Operational Reports: Every week the results of the tests are sent to RoMs to allow them to deep dive into the performance of the tester.