Willmott Dixon

Construction contributing to wider society

All businesses have a role to play in our society, including those in the construction industry. But the problem they face isn’t ‘how can they do that?’ it’s ‘how can they prove their impact?’


The Company

One of the country’s leading construction firms and members of the public sector SCAPE procurement framework, Willmott Dixon has the ability to bid for large public sector building contracts – so long as they continue contributing to the wider society.


The Challenge

As part of SCAPE’s ‘contributing back to society’ framework, businesses need to engage with the younger generation and encourage them to follow a career path into construction. Oh, and they have to provide evidence and measurable outcomes to demonstrate the positive impact they’re making.

With a clear view on what they needed to achieve, Willmott Dixon called on Razor to help them deliver their engagement programme.


The Solution

A mobile phone app to suit the needs of the team’s phased engagement programme. Phases include engagement with young students early on in their schooling, all the way to those focused on work experience and employment. 

The app onboards students once on site and captures a qualitative measurement. It then delivers fun and captivating content about what they can expect – helping to educate and build their excitement. Willmott Dixon can then monitor their experience securely via a working diary and simple ‘unhappy’ and ‘smiley’ face feedback.  

At the end of the work experience qualitative measurements are taken again, to compare against the students’ initial perceptions. An administrator can then use the non-sensitive data to visualise and provide the evidence required by SCAPE.

Clever, right?

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The Process

As with all projects at Razor, we kicked off the project with a ‘Discovery’ to understand the needs of each team member involved in the engagement programme. We documented the entire process together, so they could bounce ideas around and educate each other about their respective roles. 

With a clearly defined process, Willmott Dixon now has a solid foundation from which to make both short and long term decisions – ensuring the success of the platform as it develops over the years.

Initial timescales and investment prevented us from achieving a solution that covered the entire process… Instead we focused on the work experience phase, where their team felt the most impact could be made, and therefore where they could extract extensive demonstrable evidence and demonstrate measurable outcomes.


The Result

This project has been a great success, not only fulfilling Willmott Dixon’s initial objective, but providing clarity on the wider project. 

They now have a flexible platform which can extend to both their younger audience and those moving into employment post education. With this, Willmott Dixon can provide tangible, in-depth evidence of their positive engagement with future generations.  

Demonstrable, measurable, tangible outcomes. Willmott Dixon’s contribution to society and the UK’s construction industry is now easily evidenced.