Client Stories

Powering Transformation: Nimbitech's Gaming-Inspired Rebranding Success Story

How Nimbitech Partnered with Razor to Revamp its Digital Identity and Ignite Social Engagement

Facing the challenges of creating a visually distinctive identity, enhancing the user experience, and preserving core values, Nimbitech embarked on a creative journey that drew inspiration from retro 8-bit gaming aesthetics.


The Company

Nimbitech stands out as a beacon of expertise and innovation in the realm of business automation. They specialise in helping companies streamline their operations by crafting bespoke solutions using Microsoft's Power Platform.

With Nimbitech's guidance, businesses can bid farewell to time-consuming manual processes. They transform these labour-intensive tasks into digital, automated wonders. Their secret weapon is the creation of customised Power Apps that seamlessly integrate into web browsers or mobile devices, be it smartphones or tablets.

Having recently joined the Razor family, Nimbitech embarked on an ambitious journey to rebrand and establish a memorable brand identity. With a commitment to innovation and customer satisfaction, Nimbitech sought to revamp its image and redefine its digital presence.

This was the ideal opportunity to partner with Razor’s dynamic team of designers to bring this vision to life.

nimbitech mockup


The Challenge

Rebranding is a complex endeavour that carries inherent risks, but Nimbitech was determined to transform itself into a brand that left a lasting impression.

Nimbitech faced three distinct challenges with rebranding. Firstly, there was the need to craft a visually distinctive identity that unmistakably represented Nimbitech. This meant maintaining the well-established feel of Nimbitech, but with a fresh new look.

Secondly, the new brand needed to create an engaging and user-friendly design that enhanced the client experience. The foundations were solid, but Nimbitech recognised it was time to take things to the next level.

Finally, it was essential that the new brand continued to reflect and reinforce Nimbitech's core values. Although the company was looking for a visual refresh, it was critical to retain the integrity of the existing company.

Nimbitech emerged from this rebranding journey with a fresh, engaging, and user-centric identity.

nimbittech asset


The Process

To meet these challenges, Nimbitech and Razor embarked on a meticulous process of discovery and creative collaboration.

The project commenced with an intensive discovery phase. During this stage, Razor's designers immersed themselves in Nimbitech's essence to ensure a seamless exchange of ideas. To achieve a successful rebrand, it was essential to ensure a mutual understanding upfront.

Razor's dedicated efforts went beyond the surface, delving into Nimbitech's preferences, interests, and values. They aimed to align with Nimbitech's direction and encapsulate the team's spirit.

According to Aidan Minton, Razor's Head of Creative, their mission was clear: "Our aim was to align with Nimbitech's direction, core values, and the essence of the team."

After extensive discussions, a thrilling concept began to take shape, driven by the revelation that gaming played a significant role within the Nimbitech team.

Jonathan Price, Razor's Digital Designer, shared their vision: "We discovered that gaming played a significant role within the Nimbitech team. This revelation led us to embrace a retro, 8-bit pixelated style."

The 8-bit retro gaming aesthetic became the heart of Nimbitech's new brand identity. This new design style complemented the iconic tangerine orange colour that already formed the basis of the Nimbitech brand.

The design process involved two rounds of amendments to ensure alignment with Nimbitech's vision and meticulous attention to detail.

The website was then rebuilt from scratch with a mobile-first approach, prioritising content delivery and user engagement. Visual elements were strategically added only when they enhanced the user's focus on content and messaging.

The research phase involved collecting inspiration from the gaming world, laying the foundation for Nimbitech's design concepts.

Completing the website was just the beginning. Collaborating closely with Razor, Nimbitech received the necessary training to manage the site effectively. Utilising StoryBlok as their Content Management System, Razor ensured a seamless transition to the Nimbitech team, with ongoing assistance to ensure the site's continued smooth operation.

nimbitech case study


The Outcome

Nimbitech emerged from this rebranding journey with a fresh, engaging, and user-centric identity. Razor's dedicated team played a pivotal role in helping Nimbitech rediscover its uniqueness and translate it into a compelling image.

In just one month, Nimbitech witnessed a remarkable increase in social media engagement, a testament to the power of a well-executed rebrand.

In an era of personal branding, Nimbitech recognised the importance of conveying its message, vision, and values effectively. With its new brand, Nimbitech is poised to showcase its expertise to the world.

Join Nimbitech on this exciting journey of transformation. Visit their website, follow them on social media, and be a part of the Nimbitech experience.

And if you’re ready to give your brand a refresh, find out more about our design services here.

Nick Stewart

Nick Stewart

CEO of Nimbitech

"I couldn't be more pleased with the outcome of our rebranding journey with Razor. They not only captured the essence of Nimbitech but also breathed fresh life into our identity. It's a testament to their creative brilliance and dedication to understanding our vision. Our new look truly reflects our spirit, and we're excited to move forward with a memorable brand image."

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