Razor Insights

Could AI test itself? (Part 1)

The Challenges of Testing AI Systems

Testing AI systems presents unique challenges that go beyond traditional software testing. In Part 1 of this series, we explore the complexities of unpredictable outputs, endless testing scenarios, and industry insights on how to effectively evaluate AI reliability and performance.


Testing software in most cases is black and white. A feature either meets the outlined criteria or it doesn’t. However, testing AI systems is not always this straightforward. It may be that the acceptance criteria are met but the results aren't quite up to scratch. What the AI comes back with might not be what you expected, but it is technically not incorrect.


Unpredictable AI

It can be common to get an output you don’t expect from an AI system. It may even behave differently when provided with the same inputs. This means it is key to test the overall robustness and reliability of the system, not just the outputs to particular inputs. 

Making tweaks and changes to models to improve answers can drastically change responses from the system in an unintended way. With these issues in mind, it is often useful to rate outputs on certain factors rather than making an arbitrary call on whether it is acceptable or not. If the model is ranked on these factors with the same inputs while changes are ongoing, it makes it easier to compare the impact of code changes on the model. 


Endless Possibilities

It is important to repeat inputs in the AI system to test for reliability. However, when selecting the input for testing, there are endless scenarios that an AI system may come across. This makes it physically impossible to test them all. While this is common for a lot of testing circumstances, there is more of an unknown with AI responses. It is key to protect users against harmful or unethical information which the AI may produce, so covering as many of these core circumstances as possible is essential. Nevertheless, it is impossible to cover them all.


Industry Consensus

As things stand, experts in the field draw the same conclusion; no one really knows what the best solution is - yet.  Although no one has all the answers to solving the conundrum of how to test AI effectively, it’s important to keep the conversation going to keep up to date with new techniques and advances in testing.

In Part 2, we’ll discuss how how AI can not only streamline traditional testing but also be used to test AI systems, offering innovative approaches to tackling the challenges discussed here. 

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