Artificial Intelligence

Enhance, Accelerate and Transform your Business

Our AI services are designed to keep you ahead of the curve.

AI has become a vital tool for maintaining a competitive edge. Organisations are equipping themselves with the technology, skills, and strategy to adapt and thrive in a new world.

Our AI Services

Getting in to the specifics of our AI services.

AI Assessment

Identify opportunities, bridge technological gaps and safeguard against risk with a Bronze, Silver or Gold AI Assessment.

Language Models

Customised large language models trained on your own datasets and configured for your unique processes and challenges.

Bespoke AI

Tailored machine learning models built from the ground up for your individual needs. Our data specialists have you covered.

The Data

The Impact of AI

AI Writer

Time and money saved when we integrated AI into a process that automated document writing.


Computer Vision

Reduction in process time we achieved with an AI application which automated measurement.


AI Assessment

Our team of technology experts collaborates closely with you to assess your current technological maturity, readiness for AI adoption, and pinpoint opportunities for enhancement.

The AI Assessment empowers you to take action with your data and apply AI where it has the most impact in your business.


  • Enhance Decision-making - AI can improve data analysis, leading to more informed, data-driven decisions.

  • Streamline Operations - Automate routine tasks, optimise workflows and improve operational inefficiencies, allowing your employees to focus on higher-value activities.

  • Strengthen Customer Engagement - Enhance customer experience, personalise interactions and meet customer needs more effectively, leading to greater satisfaction and loyalty.

Choose your level of assessment

The AI Assessment is offered in three tiers, ranging from a lightweight engagement built on a questionnaire to in-depth investigations, depending on the required scale and scope for your AI investigation.


AI Readiness Scan

Ideal for small to medium-sized enterprises

Get an initial snapshot of your AI readiness and high-level recommendations for using AI


  • AI Readiness report

  • Identified AI opportunities

  • Strategic next steps

Get started


AI Exploration

Ideal for mid to large-sized organisations

Get a tailored roadmap for a department-specific AI implementation


  • Assessment of your department

  • Identified AI challenges

  • Department specific roadmap

Get started


AI Strategic Roadmap

Ideal for large enterprises and multinationals

Get a detailed AI adoption roadmap. Integrate AI within your organisation's goals


  • Assessment of your organisation’s current state against 9 key areas

  • Organisational AI roadmap

  • AI Implementation plan

  • Governance frameworks for your entire organisation's AI journey

Get started

AI Audit & AI Build

An AI Audit and Build is a targeted approach to identify opportunities for AI in your business to help you tackle your most pressing operational challenges.

Identify the real value of AI and unlock new opportunities for your business with a thorough assessment of your organisation and the delivery of bespoke AI solutions to address your business needs.

One-size-fits-all AI solutions often fall short in meeting your distinctive challenges and aspirations. This AI Build is designed to cater precisely to your requirements. We’ll deep dive into your challenges in our audit to identify the biggest pain points then build a bespoke solution to seamlessly integrate into your existing processes and technologies. Through constant performance monitoring, your AI solution will continue to be optimised to remain effective and aligned with your evolving business needs.


  • On-hand Experts: Leverage the expertise of the Razor team to identify where AI can make the biggest impact in your business, making it easier for you to adopt.

  • Tailor-Made AI Solutions: You’ll have an AI solution designed for your specific challenges and requirements, resulting in the biggest impacts on your business.

  • Leveraging Cutting-Edge Technologies: Gain a competitive edge in your industry by taking advantage of the latest advancements in AI.

  • Productivity & Efficiency Gains: Your AI is backed by your company knowledge base. This enables you to make data-driven decisions to experience enhanced operational efficiencies, leading to better business outcomes.