Data Maturity Assessment

Get your bespoke data report

Advice from our data experts, tailored to your company needs

The Data Maturity Assessment lets us take your data pulse and gives you the clarity to focus on the right things. You might be starting from square one or wondering where to go next. The Data Maturity Assessment is a set of 25 questions that are designed to assess your starting point in 6 themes of data maturity.


Why do a Data Maturity Assessment?

We start with this because there is so much more to data than just data. There is no linear path between an organisation who are data mature and one just starting out.

The only common need between different organisations is the need for clarity to make any conversations we might have as effective as possible.

In return for your time, you’ll receive a report giving an overview of where you are and suggestions for where to go next. It might be to implement a key piece of infrastructure to elevate your data from overhead to insight.

Strategic Clarity

Our Data Maturity Assessment provides you with strategic clarity by evaluating your data practices across six key themes, empowering your organisation to make informed decisions, ensuring that your data initiatives are aligned with your unique needs and objectives.

Customised Recommendations

Receive a bespoke data report tailored to your company's specific requirements. Our data experts analyse your assessment results and offer personalised recommendations, guiding you on the precise steps needed to enhance your data maturity. Whether you're just starting out or looking to advance, we provide actionable insights to drive meaningful progress.

Transform Data into Insights

Move beyond treating data as a mere overhead. Our assessment helps identify opportunities to transform your data into valuable insights. By pinpointing areas for improvement, you'll be well-equipped to implement key infrastructure changes and elevate your data from a resource drain to a strategic asset that fuels growth and innovation.

Get the assessment

Sign up using the form below and a member of the Razor team will email you our Data Maturity Assessment questionnaire. Upon completion our data experts will produce a custom report for your company with our recommendations based on your needs.

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