Client Stories

Health Partners | Strategic Next Gen Tech

Strategic next-gen technology in partnership with Health Partners

Creating a transformational strategic partnership with Health Partners to deliver faster results in a rapidly changing health-tech environment.




There is no doubt that speed has become even more critical in today's fast-paced environment, and the recent and ongoing pandemic has only amplified this.

Health Partners, a leading corporate health, treatment and wellbeing provider, has grown steadily over the past five years, providing incredible service intensified and underpinned by technology. They are acutely aware of the value that technology adds and the impact that speed can have on being able to capitalise on positive growth.

Health Partners decided to partner with Razor in order to better leverage the next generation of technology being data, machine learning and more.

Our work then began with identifying certain key constructs: How do you move quickly in this new technology area while maintaining quality, pace and, most importantly, security?



First of all, we listened. We asked questions and then better questions that led us to a deep understanding of the needs and objectives.

We then defined a plan to get the organisation moving towards data maturity. The plan was distilled into three phases with the depth of data intelligence and value increasing exponentially.

The initial goal? To improve operational efficiency and achieve a cracking return on investment (ROI).



The result is a digital solution to a fundamental aspect of the business that not only releases operational value but also unlocks a vision for data.

This was all done at speed. Speed with quality.

Health Partners and Razor combined synergistically, developing trust and forging a long-term strategic partnership.

The strategic partnership delivered a COVID-testing platform for travel within five weeks from idea to a customer (now that’s real speed) and core platform modernisation unlocking even more positive growth for Health Partners.

The internal team at Health Partners now have the foundations to continue their digital journey.

With a partnership that moves this fast, we know there are many more exciting projects to come with Health Partners and Razor working together.

Andrew Noble

Andrew Noble

Managing Director at Health Partners

You're in safe hands with Razor. Their ability to deliver high-quality results at pace has made them the ideal strategic partner for Health Partners. It’s great to see the passion that goes into each project and the dedication to create innovative and quality solutions. It makes me excited for our shared plans and future possibilities.