Razor Insights

Introducing Joseph – Software Engineer

Written by Razor
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The key to Razor’s success? Bringing the right people into the right rooms.

The key to Razor’s success? Bringing the right people into the right rooms.

We make sure new recruits are a good fit for the rest of the Razor crew, because collaboration is the name of our game. It’s how we innovate. It’s how we succeed – and lead.

Ready to meet our latest colleague?

Joseph joined us in April 2022 as a Software Engineer. He’s already worked on some pretty neat projects, mastered a whole lot of new tech… Oh, and he’s taken to our team project like a duck takes to water (FYI Joseph, you’re not a duck, but you are a great team player).

Welcome Joseph! I want to know what makes you tick – tell me a bit about yourself.

I was interested in computers from quite a young age – one of my earliest memories is of writing batch scripts in secondary school that spam messages on screen… I thought I was some kind of god. I’m a tinkerer by nature and I was drawn in by the ability to create things with a single piece of equipment that everyone else owned too.

Glad to hear the tech gods are on our side! Which makes me wonder – why Razor? What persuaded you to click that ‘apply’ button?

I’m good friends with a number of Razor’s employees so I’d heard great things about them. Two main focal points that pushed me in this direction were the culture and ethics of the business, as well as the great variety of projects that are on offer. The tech world evolves every day and it’s all fun and games poking with something new and shiny… But I realised that Razor is solving real problems with this tech – so I was keen to jump aboard Razor’s innovation train and make a real contribution.

There are rumours that everyone who works here has Einstein’s IQ and Edison’s innovation. Is that really the case? What are people like?

There’s such a grand amount of talent here that at first it makes you feel like you have shoes to fill that you’ll never be able to. Having said that, my colleagues alleviate the feeling – everyone has an astoundingly positive attitude! You always feel immensely rewarded for even the smallest of wins, and receive copious amounts of support when things aren’t going your way.

What’s the coolest new piece of technology that you’ve got to learn since starting to work at Razor?

I’ve been having fun getting to grips with Vue3. It’s a delightfully simplistic and minimalistic front end framework and I have even started to use it in some personal projects!

What do you know about Razor now that you didn’t know before you started – and it would have been useful to know!

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