Razor Insights
Introducing Dan – Senior Solution Engineer

Whacky thoughts, wild feelings and crazy ideas…
Just a few of Razor’s favourite things – when it comes to building a supercharged team. And who better to share their fresh take on the Razor spirit than our new colleagues?
Introducing Dan, who joined us in May 2022 as a Senior Solution Engineer. He’s become well versed in wicked new tech and collaborated on some amazing projects with his awesome team mates.
Take it away Dan, and don’t hold back!
What did you think of Razor and the team before you joined us/came to the dark side?
I'd seen quite a lot of snippets of the team at Razor on social media and had followed the company for a while – it looked like somewhere really different and exciting to work! I was also amazed that a company like Razor was right on my doorstep in South Yorkshire.
I chatted with so many different team members during the interview process before I officially joined and it was obvious everyone was ridiculously talented – and so warm and friendly. Leaving out the specifics, your current project is the stuff of kids’ dreams!
What’s your biggest learning from the project so far?
There's definitely lots to learn but in this case I'd have to say the potential scope and scale of the project and how that's managed day to day… I'd worked on what I considered reasonably large and important projects before, but this is something else entirely! Luckily Razor has this down to a fine art so I'm learning everything I can.
There’s so much tech and not enough time in the day to master it all… From the training and support you received, what helped you to feel ready and confident to work on this project?
I think the induction into the company and the development team really puts you in good stead to feel productive as soon as you're positioned into your first project. There's so much conscious and deliberate effort put in to avoid knowledge silos here – unlike anywhere I've ever worked before.
Knowing you have the support from the team is key – we’re all here for each other and with such depth and breadth of knowledge, you know there's always someone who can help you find the answer.
Unusual things go on in the Razor office (actually that’s pretty standard practice for us!) What’s the strangest thing you’ve experienced?
I'm not sure how much I'm allowed to give away!? I must admit I was surprised when I bumped into Rick Astley in the toilets.